6 Top Travel Tips for Seniors

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Retirement is the perfect time to relax and enjoy all of your years of hard work. For many of us, retirement gives us the opportunity to explore new places that we didn’t think of going to in our younger years.
If you are an older adults in the UK who is looking to set out on a new adventure this article is for you. As we will be sharing our top tips for making the most out of travelling in your retirement.

1: Planning your Trip Effectively
Whether you are off to relax on the sunny beaches in the Bahamas or going on an epic expedition up Mount Kilimanjaro, you need to decide on where you would like to go. You may already have somewhere in mind, the perfect holiday destination that will allow for you to enjoy your journey to the fullest. If you are still on the fence these holiday destination suggestions may help with coming to a decision.
- New Zealand has wondrous views & is a very popular holiday destination for people over the age of 60. There are a plethora of destinations to stay in such as Queenstown, which offers a limitless amount of adventures to go on.
- Hawaii is the prime destination for those who want a holiday to relax in a tropical climate with a nice drink nearby. The sunny beaches of Honolulu offer countless opportunities for you to kick back & take in the beautiful weather.
- Machu Picchu is a place that everybody should have on their bucket list. Based in Peru, this ancient citadel is a world heritage site with the most breathtaking scenery.
Travel Insurance
Make sure that you & anyone else that may be accompanying you are covered by travel insurance. In the event that you experience health complications travel insurance will protect you so that you do not get an expensive medical bill whilst abroad.
Go at the Right Time
Unless you are wanting to attend a specific cultural event, it is worth booking your holiday during the off-peak times. Places you visit will be less crowded, local prices may be cheaper & the atmosphere & environment will be more relaxed.
2: Stay Healthy & Mobile

Traveling with medications can be tricky, as there are some countries that have very strict laws as to what you are & are not allowed to travel with. The NHS fit for travel page recommends that you check the laws of a country before entering through their respective embassy.
Our top travel tip is to do further research into if your specific medication. We recommend declaring all medications so that transparency with any governing bodies so that your intentions to go and have a good time abroad are made clear.
Mobility Aids
If you use any mobility aids such as a wheelchair, walking cane or strider you should check to see that the airline & accommodation that you will be staying in can accommodate for them. Many popular destinations have been made accessible to people who need a mobility aid to maintain autonomy but it is essential that you make those checks.
Staying Active & Mobile
whilst you may be going on holiday to laze about in the sun & pick up a tan, it is still important that you stay active. Take part in activities that suit your levels of stamina & don’t be afraid to try new things.
3: Accommodation & Transport
Find accommodations abroad that are renown to be older adult friendly. Going for accommodation that is tailored to your needs will help with the ease of access to facilities. Many hotels abroad that are tailored to older adults will have many rooms to stay in on the ground floor or will have many elevators for you to use freely.
Public Transport
Do some research into whether or not you will need to make use of public transport when abroad. If you do need to use it familiarize yourself with how it works & what the norms & etiquette are.
4: Make good use of Technology

Stay Connected
Being connected could be a lifesaver in an emergency situation. Make sure that you carry a smartphone with a connection plan that allows for use abroad. Having a connected phone will allow for the us of GPS to traverse new places easier & can help with booking tickets to events & managing your schedule.
Helpful Apps for Seniors
Having Apps like find my phone, medication reminders & currency conversion checkers will help with management of yourself when dealing with the experiences of a new environment. It’s well worth getting familiar with apps with these functions so that they can be useful to you in an instant.
5: Eating Well & Staying Safe
Keep up a Healthy Diet
Whilst trying new food is one of the joys of being on holiday, it is important to not overindulge in unhealthy good & to maintain a balanced diet. If you have any dietary restrictions you need to make them known so that any dishes that may be prepared can be tailored to suit your needs.
Staying Safe
Keep your personal items safe & avoid carrying a large amount of money on you at once. Make use of a small bag that you trust & maintain vigilance over the bag & your surroundings. If you feel uncomfortable or lost do not be afraid to ask for help from a trustworthy person.
6: Having the best time abroad

Take full advantage of the new environment that you will find yourself in. Whether its cultural events, locational holidays, historical sites or a fun pastime, becoming immersed in the local activity will bring a huge amount of enjoyment out of it.
Meet New People
Travelling is wonderful because of all of the new people you will have the opportunity to meet. You’ll be surrounded by people from all walks of life from different backgrounds & cultures. Being friendly, participating in group tours & taking part in local events will lead to you meeting new people & even starting new friendships.
Stay Flexible
You can make all of the most rigid plans in the world, but sometimes those plans do not follow through as expected & something will not go as expected. Maintaining a positive & flexible attitude will lead to you having a better time with managing unexpected changes & will help with still enjoying your trip.
Travelling whilst in retirement can be difficult, but fun & rewarding. Travelling will pay you back dividends in enjoyment & the opportunity to have once in a lifetime experiences. Senior Stairlifts hope that with these tips for travelling that you will be more secure in planning your next holiday so you can go make some wonderful memories.